Our Northern Cardinal

Did you read that and think “Our?”

Well, if you did, that wasn’t a typo.  It was because this little guy feels like he’s “ours” because he seems to have claimed us.  For the longest time he was downright ornery about being photographed.  He would prance and prance about until I went to get the camera, then he would fly… every. single. time.

Now, we have apparently successfully “bought” his tolerance with enough sunflower seed, that he now allows photos.  Either that, or he now realizes my camera is not some predator about to eat him.  😉

Regardless, he now allows me to take his photo without flying off, most of the time.



See him eyeballing me, while I take his photo.  LOL

He has quite a bit of attitude.  He likes to come and fuss loudly at our window if there isn’t any seed.

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Eastern Tent Caterpillar on Indian Strawberry

An Eastern Tent Caterpillar, walking across some Indian Strawberry plants:


This little guy was not a very willing participant in my nature photography.

He kept moving the entire time.

Momma Bluebird

I wasn’t the only one in the yard mothering on Mother’s Day.   😉

Our Eastern Bluebird pair that quickly took residence of the bird house the kids made, has been hard at work, coming and going.  But Momma Bluebird now appears to be sitting on eggs.  Daddy Bluebird is bringing her lots of food and she doesn’t leave the bird house very often.  Here she is peeking out, waiting for him to bring her another insect to eat.

I have a ton of blurry photos like this of this family.  It’s nearly impossible to get a decent shot of them through older style double pane glass windows, and trying to shoot through the kid’s swing set to get a view.  lol!
But you get the idea.  She is now sitting on the nest.

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Mother’s Day 2010

It’s not every day that you are greeted at your door by little people with flowers and a balloon.  🙂  But it’s nice!

My two oldest went to my parent’s house for a little while on Mother’s Day and during their visit, they came by and brought me a Happy Mother’s Day balloon and flowers “they” got me.  😉
They are at an age (6 & 7)  where getting a photograph of the two of them together where they aren’t moving, talking, and/or making silly faces is nearly impossible.  So I take whatever photo I can get.  LOL!

(The flower is an annual called a Lobelia.  I kept the basket on our outdoor table all spring/summer and it flowered the entire time.  My mom and my husband helped me keep it watered on days I wasn’t feeling well.  I was really impressed by how many little flowers it ended up making, and how long it kept them.  It was quite a nice gift.  🙂   And outdoors it did not have a strong odor, which is a nice perk for those like me with allergies.  I took better photographs of it that I will share later on, as I come to them.)

While the older two were visiting their Grandma for a few hours, my husband and I took the baby out to get some new photographs of her.  Here is one of those:

I hope all the mothers out there had a lovely day!

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